We are excited to announce the latest release of the RPS Map Applications. Version 7.4 of OILMAP, SARMAP and CHEMMAP is available for download now. This update brings together interface and model improvements, new capabilities, and feature updates. We have listened to your feedback and worked closely with our users to continue to deliver industry leading modelling software.



Click on the link below to download the new version of our map applications. If you need any support with the installs do not hesitate to contact us at MapSupport@rpsgroup.com.


If you have an active maintenance contract and do not have access to your account, don’t worry, we can help! 

Software Title Logo OILMAP

  • Improvements to depth tool, allowing users to import their own bathymetric data
  • Upload scenario to FTP Server now possible
  • Improved KML export tool
  • EDS images and metadata catalog updated
  • Backtracking now available for multi-polygon spill sites
  • Pop-up forms now display correctly with multiple screens
  • Additional time-zones now available
  • Fixed oil database search function
  • Fixed mass balance graph regarding water column information
  • .DOTX now available as template type
  • Updated to model with various model bug fixes (see section 4 in OILMAP release notes)

Software Title Logo SARMAP

  • Fixed error resulting in crash when opening SAR model Run form
  • Improvements to scenario batch mode with EDS
  • Fixed error messages when selecting "SRU Properties"
  • Fixes the simulation reference to correspond to the correct time zone
  • Fixed issue with SRU deployment not recognizing aeronautical land search area
  • Improved exporting to FTP server function
  • Improvements made to SHP file export
  • Undo function added in SRU deployment form
  • .DOTX now available as template type
  • Updated models to (see section 4 in SARMAP release notes)

Software Title Logo CHEMMAP

  • Fixed error when exporting/viewing average exposure concentrations for a scenario
  • KML export now better visualized in Google Earth
  • Fixed environmental information issue with "Air only" scenarios
  • Fixed error that caused CHEMMAP to crash when viewing peak concentration graph
  • Added ASCII depth import tool
  • Fixed issues with model properties form
  • EDS images and metadata catalog updated
  • Added track line display for surface particles
  • .DOTX now available as template type
  • updated models to 0.1.27 with various bug fixes (see section 4 in CHEMMAP release notes)




 RPS is continuously adapting to technology advancements and new data availability to deliver industry leading solutions.

IMO model courses on Oil Pollution Preparedness, Response and Co-operation

RPS provides many services to support both government and private industry clients in incident response and planning. 


Oil Spill Planning, Training, Modeling, and Response Services

RPS is highly experienced in the production of response plans for both government and private sector clients. 

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